The Stone Soup Tiny House Blog

"...what have you in these houses? And what is it you guard with fastened doors?
Have you peace, the quiet urge that reveals your power?
Have you remembrance, the glimmering arches that span the summits of the mind?
Have you beauty, that leads the heart from things fashioned of wood and stone to the holy mountain?"

-Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The dream of a home

When I first heard about Tiny Houses, I was very excited and inspired. It was a way of providing yourself with a measure of security and a way to live lightly on the earth. If built on wheels, a tiny house can be easily moved as you find a place to settle. The skills learned while building it are easily applied to building larger houses. So, for the past year and half, we have been researching the feasibly of offering a program to support interested and deserving parties the opportunity to design and build a home.  There has been a great deal of support in the building of tiny houses here, and, the Summer Semester is now primarily focused on building tiny houses on movable trailer frames.

I have found given the time, resources, and space to dream, a home begins to reveal itself in your mind and your heart. It is a home risen from your most honest knowledge of beauty and your most beloved activities of living.

My father told me that other day that the human mind can be likened to an amazing tool which transforms innumerable possibilities into the one reality which you are experiencing. As I build this house, with the help and support of my wonderful friends, I see that is true. What I am building is a self portrait; a projection of the mind and spirit I want to call mine. By building and ordering this home, I am creating a place to truly, finally be at home. To me, a home is a place that irrevocably binds you to the land; by knowing that lumber came from  trees which you once sat with; by holding in your hands the tools which sustain your life; by using materials in a way which honors the spirit in the wood, metal, and stone which we build with.
If we are graced with the simplicity to see it, than we must acknowledge how deeply our destiny is entwined to the earth and to each other, and awaken to the beautiful possibilities that we have only dared to dream.

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